Message star_icon Children Body safety. star_icon Red Light Green Light Body Safety Rules star_icon The Parent's Guide star_icon NGT - Three Magic Words - NO GO and TELL.


        Our Mission: A Secure Childhood for A Happy Adulthood 

Sample letter to parents


    Dear Parent,

    According to statistics released by Department of Women and Child welfare department of India, 53.22% of children in India     are sexually abused. The statistics are chilling, but there are things that we can do protect our children.

    During next few weeks, we will be teaching a short unit on The Body Safety to all of our students. This will cover safety with     strangers as well as people the children may know. This program is called “The Body Safety” program. The students will     learn to recognize dangerous situations and react to it appropriately.

    You are invited to attend a meeting to preview the program the children will receive and to ask any questions you may have     regarding Child Sexual Abuse. We will also, discuss activities parents may do at home to reinforce the safety measures that     children learn from school.

    We feel this program will help us work together as partners towards the common goal of protecting our children. If you have     any questions, please feel free to contact __________(name)_______________at _____________(phone number)     ________________.


