
Child Sexual Abuse: Unveiling Tactics & Silence

Child Sexual Abuse is the involvement of a child (ages 0–17 years old) in sexual activity to provide sexual gratification including both touching and non-touching behaviors. Sexual violence knows no boundaries. It occurs in every country, across all parts of society.

We do not teach our children that their bodies are special and their bodies belong to them.
We do not teach them it is OK to say “NO”.
We do not teach them what to do if someone is troubling them or if they are not comfortable with any person or situation.
We do not teach them that there are no secrets to be kept from their parents.
The “silence about sex” culture forbids parents from talking to their children about sexuality.

The molester may attempt to use bribery by giving gifts or other favors to the interested child.
The abuser may try to shift the blame to the child by telling them it is their fault the molestation took place.
There is usually little a child can do to resist force, which is a very infrequent act of abuse

Fear Of Not Being Believed: Children fear that they will not be believed when they disclose the abuse, which results in a feeling of helplessness.
Fear Of Being Blamed: Children fear that they will be blamed for any kind of sexual activity and that they were willing partners.
Fear Of Further Harm: Offenders often threaten their victims with harm to their families as a means of maintaining control. Victims then carry the burden of keeping their families safe by not telling.